Out of my mind
Out of My Mind
I did something out of the ordinary todae. Wanna guess? but no prize for a correct guess...Ok Ok...I sold my handphone for cash todae. Yesh! I SOLD my all-so-perfect N7610 baby today for cash!!! Can you imagine that? Now I'm using a 'black & white' screen Nokia8210. Hiaz... how I wish Santa will drop a new HP down my sewage on X'mas Day....
Well, sometimes, I am left with no choice. I need $$ to pay for the expenses of my US trip. I noe some of you might be thinking I shouldn't have gone for the trip in the first place. but i think giving up a hp is worth for the experience gained.
So, to those of my frenz who thinks I'm rich, I'm not. defintely NOT.
The Cult of Kiehl's
Although I'm depressed todae that I sold my baby, I'm feeling kinda happy too. Coz the brand that I waited for 4 years have finally arrived in Singapore! Yes! It's Kiehl's - a brand with 150 years of history!! Actualli it was in Singapore earlier at Club 21 (four seasons hotel) but I din bother to travel all the way there. Now, They've opened a new branch at Scotts Shopping Centre. Bravo! I bought their basic range of products todae. Not as expensive as i tout tho'.
Hmm...I guess my day wasn't that bad afterall. Cleared part of my debts and bought the products I longed for. Not too bad huh?
The original "Kiehl Pharmacy," located at the corner of Thirteenth Street and Third Avenue in New York City for more than 150 years.
My Apologies!
My Apologies
Hi guys! I'm so so so sorrie! I change a comment software..as u can see...so all the past comments u guys left for me were deleted!!!!!!!!!! So sorry! I feel sad too:(
So....umm...feel free to leave any from todae onwards ah:) I swear I wun change any software or skin anymore!!
Updates on my BLOG!
Updates on My BLOG!
Hi there!
I have link my yahoo! Photo albums to my blog under the 'LINKS' section. Feel free to visit and take a look at my vacations photos & other snapshots:)
Actualli there are more pic with my bro-in-law...he haven give me yet:( coz it's his camera mah!
Besides, I've link to my Yahoo! Auction page too. Juz take a look & if u wanna auction anything..i'll charge u a cheaper price! kekeke...
Ooh...and there's link to my Yahoo! Briefcase too...feel free to drop me anything if the file is too large to email...and...
I wanna welcome KARIN to blog! I still can't see the Attitude Gal u r toking about lehz... anyway, take a look at KARIN's page too if you know her or wanna know her...i'll charge u introducing fees:P She can be found under my friends column
Cya guys! Enjoy my blog & please comment if any:)
Is $$ Everything?
Is $$ Everything?
Juz now when I was having dinner with my dad at the market (yes, I'm finally well enuff to walk to the market), I overheard this uncle who should be in his 50s, toking to a potential business partner (whom i believe also an uncle) over his mobile in Singnese (Singapore's chinese):
"eh hello, remember me anot?? I am the Whampoa Azminah's friend lah. Ask you ah, you working in property line hor, wan to ask you see you interested to work together & earn a little anot lah?"
and he emphasized again...
"see u want to work together & earn a little anot lor..."
Hmm... why is everyone's onli interest is to earn $$? I mean, to earn as much as they can. Is our pathetic life onli revolves around this significant sign - '$'? I can't deny that in this pragmatic society, we can't live without $... Or rather, we can't live in comfort without $$.
My 62 years old dad is holding a part time job besides his main freelance business, My Mr. Wood sells himself and his time to RS*F (guess the missing word, Guys), My sis & bro-in-law stays in office for 24/7 even when they are the bosses. Even for myself, I'm auctioning my stuffs to earn a sum of extra cash, a really small sum. My frenz who are working only cares about renumerations and pay increment. One of my classmate hates her current job environment, however, she got no choice but to stay on becoz she gotta pay the mortgage of her new condo.
Is $$ everything that we need in life? Is $$ the purpose of life that we are born for? Is our mission on earth is to earn lotsa money?
Ofcoz, I'm not telling you guys out there:"hey! stop working & enjoy life!!" But at least, when you got home after a hectic day of work, do some soul-searching on what you really want. Ask urself this question: "what do want most at your deathbed?" If your answer is the big word "MONEY", you fritter away your life!
Spend some time to unwind urself and care for the people around you. My bf feels that he needs to earn lotsa $$ so that his children can live in comfort in future. But hey! look at my family! My grandma's rich...she left lotsa $$ for her children but end up?? They dun cherish a single cent! They dun appreciate what my grandma had done..they fought among each other for no good reasons and in the end, everyone in the family suffers...family ties being severed, including the younger generation like me & my cousins. I lost all my close cousin, brought upon by the childish actions of the adult! See Mr. Wood, too much $$ do no good! It makes people lost their sense of belonging & blinded their love.
Now, here's the million dollar question: "Do we live to work, or work to live?"
To me, $ is essential, I need them too. My frenz ask me why can I bring myself to splurge $5k on a vacation? Maybe becoz the $$ comes easy for me & I dun feel the pinch or maybe, I've seen enuff in life that $5k is juz something I can earn back in future but experience can't. I lost my mum since young, been thru the hard times with my family, seen the dispute among family members becoz of $, seen the heartless side of my another grandma who refused to ackowledge my mum even till the day my mum died.... What is S$5k to me? At my deathbed, I might not have rick bank account to share with my descendents, but I have love & life stories to share.
Being rich is not material wise, its when you are being loved and know how to love.
A person can never change
A Person Can Never Change
Mr. Wood will forever be Mr. Wood....
Dun dream Joyce...wake up & face the fact!
Why must people fall sick?
Why Must People Fall Sick?
Urgh...I'm sick again :( running high fever & coughing like mad... wonder how i did for my last paper todae. Hopefully can get a B grade.. God please help! I'm sick, dun have a clear mind leh :'(
So now, everything's over... juz gotta complete my 20K words end year projects and i should sit a wait for my graduation on 15th January 2005. Luckily I decided not to graduate in Upper Iowa, coz it cost ard S$3ooo! Wow! I can buy 2 tiffany rings liaoz!
Hmm... after the paper, me & my classmates were sitting at the stairs of our school wondering what should we do on boring weekdaes nite & Saturday morning after all these? So I suggested belly dancing (coz i wanted a fun way to tone my flabs) & yeah! Meeta is interested too! Trying hard to drag Jo along... keke...
So it's time to ponder wat jobs should I apply for. Maybe back to be a hotelier, or try marketing, or maybe advertising? I wanted to be a marketing exec of any cosmetic brands coz it's my interest, I used to apply before but no response. Hey! now i got a Mass comm degree ok... u better reply me! ok ok...I lack of experience... but if no companies wanna give me chance to learn, how i gain experience!?! If not, maybe a wedding planner? i love orgainisng events... but Norman & Han (my ex bosses) tried to talk me into not working in a hotel industry. Haiyoh! heafache sia.
Ok...now lets tok about Mr Wood, I met him yesterday for the first time since I came back from Hols. Hope that he likes my prezzies :) He has been very sweet to me last nite when I showed signs & symptoms of falling sick. I guess he's turning to Mr romantic soon, I hope.
K lah...gonna rest... yawnz...
Can I Have 48hrs A Day?
Can I Have 48hrs A Day?
Went to meet my project supervisor todae...and she told me to expand my literature review's content! Huh...where got time:( It's already 2000 words...so i muz well extend till 10 000 words lor, then i can save my time on researches & juz hand in my literature review... hurray!!! Nah... tat's juz my wishful thinking. Fat hope, Joyce! Regret starting it late becoz i got the wrong information... now i got no choice but to rush thru everything. Arrgh...Juz because I wanna wear the hat & robe!!!! So for the next 2 weeks, no coffee sessions nor movie outings for moi... I gotta sit & stare at my monitor screen.
After I left school, I went bugis junction's cold storage to buy some kiwi, ham & broccoli & I suddenly felt so happy! Coz there was X'mas Decor & X'mas songs! Yeah!!! I love X'mas! it's my Fav festival...time for thanx giving...time for $$ spending too. But I'm still looking forward to X'mas!
"Santa Baby, so hurry down my chimney tonite..." Oops... I've got no chimney...hmm..sewage can??! Too small!? I guess so too....
Finally I get my blog done..got help from Wenjie & JC..haha, kept bugging them:P Actually I should be doing my assignments instead but I'm really feeling lazy... Wonder should I extend my project deadline & graduate in US...but I need money for tat!:( I doubt I can finish 20 000 words in 2 weeks!!
Starting Point
Starting Point
Oh hoo! I finally get my own blog... Haha... What took me so long? Nah, Lazy lah... & I don't see the point of writing blog & show it to everyone (i mean including strangers) but! I decided to give it a try & i need a place where I can complain abit about my boring life, stressful schoolwork & woody bf. So frenz... enjoy my blog!!!
I guess my close frenz knew that I went for a vacation & came back recently. Haiz, this vacation cost me my life savings man! Damn expensive trip! I don't even dare to tell my dad the real amt I spent on it... i actually told him 1/2 of it. haha! Hey u frenz out there! I spent almost S$300 buying gifts for u all k! better cherish the gifts & ofcoz, a fren like me!!! ;P But actually, ard S$150 goes to the prezzies for Mr Wood. Duh! So... tat means no X'mas present for him liaoz!
However, the trip worth every cent i spent...ok, maybe not every cent... it's every dollar. The cruise was magnificent! The cruise director is soooooo dashing! *drooling* But my sis says I "lian fu"... she says he's old enuff to be my dad...so what! he's cute! I don't mind a sugar daddy:P Haha...ok ok...before u pple think Im a desperado, I should stop toking abt my Chrissy Cruise Director. Well... I love mexico... But...Im disappointed with my diving trip:(
It was a nice sunny morning, the cruise have already reached Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, which is my first port of call. I excitedly disembarked my ship & sat another boat (a small one) to another island (juz like our sentosa) for the dive. The boat ride was fun tho'...there's performance by mexican hunks & refreshments provided....so I tout to myself, its a great start of the day! So, I reached the tiny island after ard 45mins journey... juz like a kid at her first day of school...I paid 100% attention during the diving brief ( & mind you, its a real short brief!). After that, we proceeded to get our equipments... I put on my weight belt first (well, if i got the name rite), then my flippers, then the mexican hunks helped me with my Vest & B.C., then I put on my mask & I picked up my courage, Splash! I jumped into the sea (Yeek, so salty!) Voila! I was brave! but geez... I got problem breathing the regulator but still, I tried hard to swim to the centre of nowhere & listened to instructions. However however, It was really hard for me to breath & I noe there's no way I can go further without drowning myself. So, I requested to go up to land & gasp some air! Again, I swam hard to the back to the mental stairs & the mexcian hunks helped me to detach my B.C, I climbed up the stairs & im back on land, breathing real hard. Sadly, there wasn't enuff time for me to try again & so, I stand there baking in the sun, waiting for my bro-in-law, envying the uncertified divers & "there it goes... there my S$200 goes again..."
Haiz...but blessing in disguise, I saw sealion & dolphins! Well, yah...my bro-in-law was kissed by the sealion underwater but he dun get to see the dolphins splashing in & out of the sea... Neh neh ni boo boo!
So the moral of the story, never go for a brief, uncertified dive without much swimming skills. Oh! and one funny part is, why no wet suit one!?! I wore only my bikini there thinking tat there will be wet suit provided...the stupid weight scratched my skin, the water was cold & i think some fishes bit me coz my leg was bleeding when i went up to the shore, phew! lucky i didn't lure sharks to me! Haiz...but at least I had a great lunch there by the sea...so to console myself, it's not tat bad afterall...*rolling my eyes*
Ok...tat's the end of my tragic story..but! i'm not giving up!!! I'm going for the course...so, winnie! u better make urself free!!!!