Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Seems like its the 'in' thing now, so I shall give it a try too!

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.


Steady or not Steady?

I was toking to Gerald on MSN just now and we went into a topic on 'steady relationship'. Gerald told me about his friend who has a steady boyfriend of 3 years. So my question to Gerald was "How do you determine steady & unsteady?". Gerald said something like "when you are dying to see him... saying the 3 magical words everyday... care for him... think of him". But I quite disagree with that. I told Gerald these are just very superficial gestures.

This conversation got me thinking, how do you know whether your relationship is steady or not? Being together for long means steady? But I have people around me breaking up even after a 10 years marathon. Staying together means steady? But I see couples moving out seperately after co-habiting and ironically, their initial intention was to 'experience' marriage before they take their vows. Seeing each other every single day means steady? But married couples see one another everyday and yet, there are sooooo many divorce cases. Having trust in each other means steady? But how much can you trust a person and who can gaurantee you that this person will not betray your trust one day?

S.T.E.A.D.Y - someone please give me the definition.

Alot of people say things like "He/She's the One"..."I love no one else besides him/her"... "I definitely would love to marry him/she" the end, relationship turns sour... and they turn to strangers. The word 'Steady' doesn't seems to be much stable itself.

Smart Gerald guessed it right. I am facing problems with my boyfriend. Don't ask me what's the problem coz it's impossible to spell it out. It's a feeling. Maybe it's the distance? Maybe it's the person? Maybe it's environmental factors? Or maybe, we have stepped into the 7th year crisis?

Perhaps, there's nothing steady on earth. Weather's ain't steady, buildings ain't steady, career ain't steady, health ain't steady, stock market definitely ain't steady and so does relationship.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Ma Chambre face-lift!

I was in such a good mood that I'm inspired to give my room a face-lift. For those who have come to my house before will see the difference.... just a teeny-weeny bit of difference.

First of all, I've finally decided to hang up my 10 months old completed jigsaw puzzle.

I was reluctant to hang it up in the past coz I have the fear of it falling on me while I am asleep and disfigure me. Why am I now hanging it up? Well... coz of another item. So please read on...

I thick-skinnedly asked my sis for the Mexican Textile she bought during our trip to Mexico few years back. It's such a beautiful piece that made me wanna hang it up and show off! BUT... I've got a consideration - "Will lizards hide behind the rug and start their happy family in my room!?!" I pondered for some time and concluded that the rug is just too pretty to be chucked aside for my outrageous imagination...

so... taa-daa!!!!

I hung it up and shifted my mexican hat over! Adding a touch of mexico rivera feel in ma chambre.

As usual, my collection of photo frames is building up and am covering almost the whole of my wall. However, I feel that the wonderful memories with my beautiful friends are ought to be flaunt.

My old old room look like this a couple of years back:

It's definitely neater and much spacious now.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Family Ties

I like how my family holds on to one another when things happened. My family may not be complete and it seems rather complicated in the eyes of outsiders but ironically, the rough times and difficult situations that we've been through have brought us closer together, strengthening our bond. Funny as it seems, it's this bond that pull us through difficulties. Guess this is how the family formula works - its a cycle.

I have no complaints about my life, I'm a self-admit fortunate girl. My loved ones are my pillar of support and also, I have faith my mum's shining down on us from heaven.
