Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'm sick. Started yesterday when I woke up with a bad throat. I popped pills immediately and I thought I'll recover today but no, the pain got worse. It's just a sore throat but I feel my head spinning. I feel restless for the whole day tucked in my bed. But I have to do something, get myself to move a little. So I do something which doesn't require much brain juice - blogging.

I think job hunting has got me fallen ill. The endless sending of resumes, silence rejections, and prolonged waiting for phone calls have demoralised me. Being demoralised is bad for the heart, and in turns, bad for health. I must be suffering from CDS - Chronic demoralisation syndrome.Best antidote? Get a job. A job that fits the bill.

I can't type anymore. I'm seeing double image. Gotta bathe, grab a bite, pop a pill, and tuck myself in bed again.

