Great Birthday
It has been a long time since I last blog. Was busy over the weekend and was struck by food poisoning. Argh...kept falling ill. I guess my new year resolution is to stay healthy.
I celebrated my 22nd birthday on Fri, 7th Jan, the actual day. It was fun...very fun. Much better than my 21st Birthday. Haha. I had dinner with my family at Vienna Restaurant at United Square. Love the seafood buffet has lotsa varieties & its delicious! After that, I went home to wait for my Stonez sisters, Zhiwei & my Bf to come for mahjong session. To my surprise, Stonez bought me a birthday cake!! So touched!!! *Weep weep*... Not only sis bought me a cake too! So...I got 2 birthday cakes! Yeah! Haha...& does not make me 44 years old k! I'm still the youthful 22 years old! Haha....
The cake cutting session was at my sis house. So funny...lotsa laughter, hilarious. My family was there too. That Kar kept sprouting nonsense thru out the Ser suggested her to keep quiet to avoid saying more unnecessary things. haha...Oh! Teck was here too...So...more pple..more fun! Anyway, thanx to kar for the 'ice-breaking' session. haha...u noe what I mean, Stonez??!! Haha...
We played overnite mahjong at my house till next day 8 pluz in the morning. We had 'you tiao' & 'tou hway' for supper. I think the taller a person is, the easier he gets hungry. Coz Teck *the tallest among us* was alwaz yearning for food...Haha! The next morning, everyone was stoned. *well..not much diff for we, stonez sisters tho'*...Surprisingly, or rather, ironically, Ser won!!! Wow! Actualli i think coz teck was there to help..hahaha:P
My bf slept the earliest..& Kar "joined" him after that. Yesh! They slept on my bed! together! & my bf still ask Kar wan blanket anot! Wat!?! Rite infront of my eyes! lah, actualli was rite infront of everyone eyes. Haha...nothing happened.. dun worrie! :) Kar was too shag..if she continued...Im afraid she will lost away her LV wallet as Teck took over her place & minimise her loses...keke..
Making a wish...& I asked "2 cakes can make 2 wishes?" well, I got a resounding "NO!" as answer.
Mocha Choco Cake from Secret Recipe. Thanx to Stonez! it's Delicious! But sinful..haha!
Haagen Daz Choco Chip Cake from my Sis & bro-in-law! Very nice! Very exp! Sinful too...haha!
Although you can't see my face, but this pic is to show you how enjoyable & happy we were :)
Great Day...Great Nite..Great Birthday. Many thanx to Stonez & my family!!! My life would be so meaningless without them. Thanx Zhiwei & my BF too....I'm so glad they can click so well with Stonez. I love you guys!! Alwaz!!!!! Friends forever! :)
It has been a long time since I last blog. Was busy over the weekend and was struck by food poisoning. Argh...kept falling ill. I guess my new year resolution is to stay healthy.
I celebrated my 22nd birthday on Fri, 7th Jan, the actual day. It was fun...very fun. Much better than my 21st Birthday. Haha. I had dinner with my family at Vienna Restaurant at United Square. Love the seafood buffet has lotsa varieties & its delicious! After that, I went home to wait for my Stonez sisters, Zhiwei & my Bf to come for mahjong session. To my surprise, Stonez bought me a birthday cake!! So touched!!! *Weep weep*... Not only sis bought me a cake too! So...I got 2 birthday cakes! Yeah! Haha...& does not make me 44 years old k! I'm still the youthful 22 years old! Haha....
The cake cutting session was at my sis house. So funny...lotsa laughter, hilarious. My family was there too. That Kar kept sprouting nonsense thru out the Ser suggested her to keep quiet to avoid saying more unnecessary things. haha...Oh! Teck was here too...So...more pple..more fun! Anyway, thanx to kar for the 'ice-breaking' session. haha...u noe what I mean, Stonez??!! Haha...
We played overnite mahjong at my house till next day 8 pluz in the morning. We had 'you tiao' & 'tou hway' for supper. I think the taller a person is, the easier he gets hungry. Coz Teck *the tallest among us* was alwaz yearning for food...Haha! The next morning, everyone was stoned. *well..not much diff for we, stonez sisters tho'*...Surprisingly, or rather, ironically, Ser won!!! Wow! Actualli i think coz teck was there to help..hahaha:P
My bf slept the earliest..& Kar "joined" him after that. Yesh! They slept on my bed! together! & my bf still ask Kar wan blanket anot! Wat!?! Rite infront of my eyes! lah, actualli was rite infront of everyone eyes. Haha...nothing happened.. dun worrie! :) Kar was too shag..if she continued...Im afraid she will lost away her LV wallet as Teck took over her place & minimise her loses...keke..

Making a wish...& I asked "2 cakes can make 2 wishes?" well, I got a resounding "NO!" as answer.

Mocha Choco Cake from Secret Recipe. Thanx to Stonez! it's Delicious! But sinful..haha!

Haagen Daz Choco Chip Cake from my Sis & bro-in-law! Very nice! Very exp! Sinful too...haha!

Although you can't see my face, but this pic is to show you how enjoyable & happy we were :)
Great Day...Great Nite..Great Birthday. Many thanx to Stonez & my family!!! My life would be so meaningless without them. Thanx Zhiwei & my BF too....I'm so glad they can click so well with Stonez. I love you guys!! Alwaz!!!!! Friends forever! :)
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