A heart of romance
I think I'm in love.
I'm in love with dancing.
When I first entered the dance studio, I was quite surprised. The dance studio is nothing close to 'glamourous', infact, it's kinda 'old-fashioned'. I looked around and almost everyone there is above 30 years old. No hunks. No babes. But then, I feel pretty attached to the place now. Attached to my instructor.
Mr low, a small guy. Not very tall and not young either, but, he's definitely a dancer! The way he sways and his steps, full of rhythm! I know he's one who's truely passionate about dance and teaches with a 'heart'.
To be honest, no hunks in the class is pretty disappointing lah.. but I eventually realised you don't need a hunk to motivate you to dance. A good dance partner who can lead you well is more sastifying to dance with than to dance with a hunk! Honest!
I'm all ready to take up more lessons on a varieties of dance. Dancing is addictive! Billie mentioned that we might need to advertise in the newspapers to hunt down talented men as our partner if we ever take up ballroom. Haha... if we ever do that, i think the ad will look like this:
Rhythmic men wanted.
Willing to be stepped on.
Interested candidates please submit your vital statistics together with a full body photo.
‘Sautee pig trotters’ need not apply.
Expectation not very high what.
Okie, side track abit.... I found another love. Named SE W960i!

Very cool phone leh! It has everything that I need!
Thanks pals... my birthday is coming, you all know what to do lah, hor?
I'm in love with dancing.
When I first entered the dance studio, I was quite surprised. The dance studio is nothing close to 'glamourous', infact, it's kinda 'old-fashioned'. I looked around and almost everyone there is above 30 years old. No hunks. No babes. But then, I feel pretty attached to the place now. Attached to my instructor.
Mr low, a small guy. Not very tall and not young either, but, he's definitely a dancer! The way he sways and his steps, full of rhythm! I know he's one who's truely passionate about dance and teaches with a 'heart'.
To be honest, no hunks in the class is pretty disappointing lah.. but I eventually realised you don't need a hunk to motivate you to dance. A good dance partner who can lead you well is more sastifying to dance with than to dance with a hunk! Honest!
I'm all ready to take up more lessons on a varieties of dance. Dancing is addictive! Billie mentioned that we might need to advertise in the newspapers to hunt down talented men as our partner if we ever take up ballroom. Haha... if we ever do that, i think the ad will look like this:
Rhythmic men wanted.
Willing to be stepped on.
Interested candidates please submit your vital statistics together with a full body photo.
‘Sautee pig trotters’ need not apply.
Expectation not very high what.
Okie, side track abit.... I found another love. Named SE W960i!

Very cool phone leh! It has everything that I need!
Thanks pals... my birthday is coming, you all know what to do lah, hor?
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